Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse is a timeless affliction that is both documented and condemned in the bible. Certainly drinking grape juice is mentioned frequently and often with positive regard but we are not talking about enjoying life and gratitude for the Lord’s bounty. Alcohol abuse is a form of gluttony and is an excess that brings pain and unhappiness to the abuser and his or her loved ones.

Do not get drunk with wine Eph 5:18

If you or a loved one is enslaved to alcohol you already know it. Even a superficial examination of behavior will show that drink is often chosen over important people and events. The wife asks you not to drink at the party, the kids do not want to bring their friends over when you are drinking and co-workers treat you like you have a problem.

The biggest consequence of alcohol abuse is the slow deterioration of mental, emotional and physical well-being. Life begins to get small with loss of friends and healthy relationships and this depressing state of affairs leads to more drinking to deal with the loss.

Let Intervention for Christ halt this vicious cycle in its tracks and open your heart and mind to the healing power of spiritual growth.